Sofia and the Shot

Join parents across the world in helping their children prepare for the scariest part of a doctor's visit...shots!

After seeing the magic of children's books prepare even the most fearful child for a doctor's visit, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Sarah Wilson was inspired to write Sofia and the Shot as a tool for parents to help their children understand why we give vaccines. Together with beautiful illustrations Sofia and the Shot answers the question every child has been asking since vaccines were invented...why do we have to get shots?

The night before her doctor's appointment, five year old Sofia worries about the shot she knows she'll have to get. As she drifts off to sleep, Sofia finds herself on an adventure with her trusted guide Mr. Whiskers, who is eager to teach her the history and purpose of vaccines. The pair sail across the ocean learning important lessons about vaccines at each stop they make. By the end of their adventure, Sofia realizes the importance of getting vaccines, and the next day she goes to the doctor's office prepared to get her shot!

Sarah Wilson is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner based in Broomfield, CO. After seeing the magic of children's books prepare her patients for a check up, she created Sofia and the Shot in order to help young children understand the importance of vaccines. When she is not working or writing children's books, Sarah enjoys traveling, baking, and spending time with her family and two cats.

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